This species is endemic to Kenya. It is known from a single site at Witu on the Tana River. The forest where this species occurs is part of the Eastern Africa Coastal Forest global biodiversity hotspot.
All tree Euphorbia are ornamental and impressive. Kenya is home to 26 species of tree Euphorbia.
Only 4 mature trees of the species E. tanaensis are known to exist in the wild, making it one of the rarest trees in the world.
There is evidence of serious logging in the area. Pole-cutting, in addition to occurrence of pit saws, was also found right next to the species. This species is therefore at a very high risk of being lost forever from the wild.
Propagation material has previously been collected and the species is growing in a small number of gardens along the coast, but a much larger conservation effort is needed to save this species from extinction.
This species can act as a flagship for conserving other threatened species and protecting remaining patches of the Eastern Africa Coastal Forest.
Survey work will be carried out to monitor for seed and assess appropriate in situ conservation measures. Cutting and seeds will be collected from all trees for a propagation programme that tracks individuals.
Protection measures will be improved, including fencing to promote natural regeneration, and areas for planting seedlings will be identified in Tana River and Kilifi counties, to boost current populations and include the species in protected sites that are close to the current population and part of the same ecosystem.
Protection in situ will also be implemented at the restoration plots, involving local community members, which will benefit from employment in nurseries as well.
Botanic Gardens Conservation International’s work aims to promote and develop a more efficient, cost effective and rational approach to plant conservation in botanic gardens. We will do this by leading and advocating, leading innovative and strategic projects, building plant conservation capacity, and providing funding.
BGCI is an independent organisation registered in the United Kingdom as a charity (Charity Reg. No. 1098834) and a company limited by guarantee (No. 4673175).